Why I make wine

I make wine because we must put our pain, emotions, love, energy, and intensities somewhere, through a creative act, and winemaking is my outlet. This link between nature and human artistic expression, to take part in the creative energies of the universe, this is the soul of Voluptuary. Channeling the bountiful gifts of Mother Nature and sharing them with our fellow humans and universe.

My world-view is inspired by an intense love of existence, of this amazing world around us, and infused with a passion to experience the wildness, nature, cultures, history, food, drink, art and creativity which makes this reality such a lovely place to be.

I traveled the world for most of my 20s to learn winemaking, but also to experience these wonderful things, these gifts shared with us by Mother Nature, that our world has to offer. My experiences have inspired me to start a winery that reflects back to the world some of the love, beauty, variety, wonder, glorious chaos, raw sensual pleasures that I have seen and received. To share the bounty of Mother Nature and our part in the artistic act of creation, producing unique sensual pleasures.

-Kevin Luther, Owner & Winemaker

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